Let`s talk about Social Advertising
I’m still watching social advertising campaigns with pity pictures.
And what is the point of that usage? Creating guilt and winning a donation?
Please, never again!!
People who are victims of war, of extreme poverty, or need to live with disabilities, do NOT deserve this victimization. We must dignify their humanity, respect them, and at least in our field, we need to depict the place they should be in society and the world, and not the place where circumstances have forced them to be in.
As creatives, we must be involved in creating real solutions, the reconceptualization of the picture selection through communication with the persons concerned, and stop classifying people because of their differences. We must show a positive, inclusive, and proactive approach when we are creating a new campaign.
Dear colleagues, we must be part of the solution and not benefit from other people’s misfortunes.
Please take a look at this super stunning Ad, which was made in Germany. I love it <3

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